How to Order

Complete your order following a few simple steps! We recommend with no caution ordering from the pleasant, friendly and safe environment of . All you have to do is to create your own personal account, and you can obtain these exceptional handmade creations, inspired by the sea.

Follow one by one these steps and live the experience of e-buying:

1st step: If you are a new customer, carefully read the Terms and Conditions of use.
2st step: Find the product or products you want.
3st step: Add the product or products in your shopping basket.
4st step: Checkout.
5st step: Choose the way you want the products to be sent and the payment method.
6st step: Check your order, you can add or delete products or change the quantity.
7st step: Confirm your order and send.

You will receive a confirmation of your order by e-mail and you will be automatically informed for the progress of your order.
For further information or clarifications you may need, you are free to communicate with us by phone or at our e-mail address